1.8. Switch Connection


If you have already configured the multiple database connections, you can simply switch between them without going each time to Preferences sector of Store Manager.

It can be done by clicking the relevant option on the top menu and selecting necessary store configuration from the drop-down list. The options called [Switch Connection] is located in the "Setting" tab of Store Manager.

Switch Connection option
Message confirmation

< - You have to confirm your choice by pressing [Yes] and program loads the database of the selected store.

In the case you want to go back to your previous store configuration or choose the other one from your connection configuration list - click on this button once again.

Please note, configuration list contains previously setup connections only. If you want to use the new not configured yet connection please open Settings tab and launch Connection Wizard to get necessary configuration to your store.

Connection Wizard

Once connection is completed, it will be available among the other connections in the quick switching list.